If you're wondering why switch from alloy wishbones to steel, or need to know what to buy - read this post first...
Firstly it's necessary to fit the ball joint to the wishbone - you can already see future painless balljoint replacements right here - it's easy & straight forward. Tighten up the three bolts and you're done installing the ball joints:
I purchased a Prothane Bugpack wishbone bush kit from VW Heritage. The poly bush kit comes with a special formulated grease - so I used it, applying a thin film to the inner wishbone bushes before insertion:
Before offering the newly bushed steel wishbone to the cross-member it's a good idea to slide the rear bush onto the 'prong' - once again I used the same bolts that came off the 944:
The inner front wishbone bush is a flush fit for the cross-member:
The rear mount is also an easy fit - this is from the underside:
Once fitted and with the bolts finger tight, you'll notice how the rear bracket slides to the left and right offering the required adjustment for suspension setup.
That's it - balljoints, steel wishbones poly bushed, and fitted to the car. Simple.
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