So the battery was flat this morning, which can be expected for cold weather and little use, and so began my tale of two batteries.
The first battery was supplied by my local Kwik-fit. This was contrary to my gut feeling and I reinforces just why I will never buy anything on the spot like that again. I took the 944 down to have the battery checked after having to jump start every time I shut down.
Turns out the battery was nuked and the helpful tester reckoned the alternator wasn't charging correctly either. As I didn't feel like any more inconvenience I enquired about a replacement. What was recommended to me by the gent behind the counter according to the "blue book" he held, was a 59Ah replacement. The problem was that a 72Ah battery sat in my car. I was informed that the higher Ah unit would overload the electrical circuits. I was puzzled. I should have just walked away there and then. But no...
Later that evening when I needed to start the 944 to go to my kids Carol service at school, it took a few to many turns to get things all fired up. My doubts were setting in about the 52Ah battery I had been sold for £92. It wasn't a good sign. I was starting to feel a little duped.
So I did a little digging and it turns out I did have the wool professionally pulled over my eyes.
I called the Kwik-fit and asked to have my battery exchanged for a 72Ah unit like I had before. I was told in no uncertain terms that the gent was not prepared to sell me something that his little blue book didn't recommend. At least he said I could have my money back!
Which was a very good thing as a few phone calls later I found exactly what I wanted for in a 72Ah Cold Start battery for £54 from a local motor factors. Result - as some would say. Yes indeed.
Draw your own conclusions from this post but I won't be going to Kwik-fit again. Ever.
The first battery was supplied by my local Kwik-fit. This was contrary to my gut feeling and I reinforces just why I will never buy anything on the spot like that again. I took the 944 down to have the battery checked after having to jump start every time I shut down.
Turns out the battery was nuked and the helpful tester reckoned the alternator wasn't charging correctly either. As I didn't feel like any more inconvenience I enquired about a replacement. What was recommended to me by the gent behind the counter according to the "blue book" he held, was a 59Ah replacement. The problem was that a 72Ah battery sat in my car. I was informed that the higher Ah unit would overload the electrical circuits. I was puzzled. I should have just walked away there and then. But no...
Later that evening when I needed to start the 944 to go to my kids Carol service at school, it took a few to many turns to get things all fired up. My doubts were setting in about the 52Ah battery I had been sold for £92. It wasn't a good sign. I was starting to feel a little duped.
So I did a little digging and it turns out I did have the wool professionally pulled over my eyes.
I called the Kwik-fit and asked to have my battery exchanged for a 72Ah unit like I had before. I was told in no uncertain terms that the gent was not prepared to sell me something that his little blue book didn't recommend. At least he said I could have my money back!
Which was a very good thing as a few phone calls later I found exactly what I wanted for in a 72Ah Cold Start battery for £54 from a local motor factors. Result - as some would say. Yes indeed.
Draw your own conclusions from this post but I won't be going to Kwik-fit again. Ever.
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