Since I bought my 944 the temperature guage has danced about. It was disconcerting but I'd randomly stop and check under the bonnet for signs of overheating and it's all been well.
On Monday morning I discovered a dead 944 in my garage. No sign of life.
When connecting the jumper cables the fan started up without the car even running. An obvious problem and pointing to the temerature switch sensor on the radiator as the cause.
This little £6 brass switch on the back of the radiator and below the top inlet pipe tells the fan to switch on and off. It had failed on ON and ran the fan till the battery was kaput.
It's very easy to replace this temp switch from underneath the engine bay. Just disconnect the two spade connectors; use a flat wrench to untighten; and quickly remove and replace with the new switch before you get covered in coolant. I did position a catch bowl below the radiator but there was hardly any lost due to a swift hand!
The fan is now working perfectly, switching on & off when needed, but the in dash guage is still a little jiggly. For the most part it only starts to dance a bit when I've gone on a long drive. I suspect either the contacts need cleaning on the guage or perhaps the temp sensor on the block is faulty. I'll need to look into that this weekend.
On Monday morning I discovered a dead 944 in my garage. No sign of life.
When connecting the jumper cables the fan started up without the car even running. An obvious problem and pointing to the temerature switch sensor on the radiator as the cause.
This little £6 brass switch on the back of the radiator and below the top inlet pipe tells the fan to switch on and off. It had failed on ON and ran the fan till the battery was kaput.
It's very easy to replace this temp switch from underneath the engine bay. Just disconnect the two spade connectors; use a flat wrench to untighten; and quickly remove and replace with the new switch before you get covered in coolant. I did position a catch bowl below the radiator but there was hardly any lost due to a swift hand!
The fan is now working perfectly, switching on & off when needed, but the in dash guage is still a little jiggly. For the most part it only starts to dance a bit when I've gone on a long drive. I suspect either the contacts need cleaning on the guage or perhaps the temp sensor on the block is faulty. I'll need to look into that this weekend.
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