On Friday of the long bank holiday weekend I decided to drive TheHoff to work - it appears as if Friday is the day to do such things with classic cars, as I see all manner of retro & classics out and about on dress down day, and I wanted to join in the fun & games. Sadly my enthusiasm was curbed rather too soon into my drive...about 200 yards from my driveway when the low oil pressure warning light came on; the steering lost all powered assistance and my heart sank a little while I quickly did a u-turn and headed back for the garage and trusty Preston Tucker. The cause of my short lived Friday expedition & distress, it turns out, was the crank pulley in rather unusual position - hanging loose. Upon closer inspection I discovered that the 24mm crank pulley bolt had become undone and had fallen out completely but only as far as the engine undertray thankfully. Which I only thought of while retracing my route to search for the missing bolt... I ordered up a fresh tub...
Ever wondered what it's like to own a Porsche 944 classic car? I love retro cars but my 944 is the pick of the bunch for me. Follow my upgrades and fixes - and hopefully find some helpful tricks and tips for yours.